Sunday, January 27, 2013

The one with the high school crush.

This story isn't like any other I wrote on this website. This is the story of how I screwed up a date with a perfectly nice guy -yes, some are.- I meet this guy in High School when we were a bunch of fifteen y.o. with raging hormones. I was a sophomore and I was incredibly insecure about himself -like most teenage girls, duh!- This is not the story of a date that happened when I was in High School.This is the story of the date I had with this guy -let's call him Noah- three years of my graduation and how I screwed it up.

Noah, as a teenager, wasn't somebody that I should have been into. He had a bad reputation and lots of rumors were running around school about drug use and small robberies. He and his friends were the "bad seeds" of my High School. Before you start judging me for falling for a bad boy, you have to know that Noah wasn't like this when we met in sophomore year. He was a shy and artsy individual with a smart mouth. Frankly, we were in same group for almost every class and I didn't even know his name. I didn't noticed him until that  faithful day when I caught him staring at me in English class, a crooked smile on his face. After that, I realized that he was looking at me a lot. So, I started to pay attention to him and realized that there really was something about Noah -see what I did there!-

Anyway, I liked him although high school. When he didn't come to graduation, and then to prom, I started to forget about him. I was going off to college in the fall, I heard he wasn't. I had this job at the mall and I made new friends -and new crushes!- Plus, we were barely on speaking terms. We had chat very few times during our high school years. He had his friends; I had mine. That's how we rolled.Only with the people in our crew.

During almost two years, I lived my life and lived his. I dated guys and he dated girls. I don't remember thinking about him during that time. We reconnected via social medias. We e-mailed each other for a bit. It was so weird talking to him again. I was totally swoon by him. He had went back to the nice, sweet boy I once knew. I guessed it helped that high school ended and the pressure was off.

We met in a park. It was weird altogether. I don't remember ever feeling that uncomfortable around a boy. he wasn't any boy though. He was my high school crush -I know you understand me.- It was like my mind went blank. I couldn't form a proper sentence. I came out snobbish and icy when all I ever was, was insecure and scared. I even remember talking about how badly I thought of him and his friends back then. -I did that, really?- After that fiasco, I barely talked to him again. Truth was, I was so ashamed of the way I acted that I avoided any contact with him. There never was a second date.

Noah is now engaged. Yes, I screw that one up royally, but even though, it doesn't mean that things could have worked out between us anyway. I guess we'll never know. As you can all see, I'm not always the victim of bad dates. Sometimes, I'm the bad date others talk about with their friends.

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